
A life from two sides

29 April 2021

Now that my days lack a train commute and I have an energetic three-year-old to tire me out, I don’t have time to read as much as I used to. However when I heard...
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Norwood’s blue plaque run

8 April 2021

Lockdown has sucked hasn’t it, but I have tried to look at the positives throughout, like not having to commute, getting chores done during the week rather than taking up my whole weekend, and...
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Croydon’s Skye

1 April 2021

What better way to kick off a (fingers crossed) sunny but also (according to my weather app) snowy Easter weekend, than by hearing about a Croydon illustrator who creates some very joyful and Spring-like...
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Croydon’s original mural artist

25 March 2021

Whilst I was reading about architect Jane Drew, who we featured last month, I happened upon a friend of hers and fellow Croydon-born creative, Barbara Mildred Jones. Despite being a rather influential post-war artist,...
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Croydon’s Chandigarh architect

18 February 2021

Whilst I was enjoying a trip down a Google rabbit warren (as I often do) when I was researching modernist architecture for my chat with Keith van Loen last week, I happened upon a...
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Modernist angles and blue skies

11 February 2021

Last month I met architecture photographer Keith van Loen through the Peckham-based (but currently online) monthly creative meet-up, Rye Here Rye Now. We got chatting and it turns out Keith is a fellow fan...
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Slaying in her lane

4 February 2021

This week we had the privilege to chat with multi-award-winning journalist and bestselling author Yomi Adegoke, who also just so happens to be a Croydon resident. She has a quite frankly formidable CV having...
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Evie and Isla’s adventures

21 January 2021

New author and local resident Danielle Clarke has been very productive in the last 6 months – she has created a series of children’s books called ‘What Makes Our Family Special’ to celebrate different cultures,...
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Frida and Friends

7 January 2021

For our first creative chat of 2021 we speak to local maker Rosie Naismith, who I discovered last summer when I purchased one of her awesome Frida Kahlo fabric face masks. Better known by...
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21 for 21

1 January 2021

Well it’s 2021 folks, and we wish you all a happy and healthy new year. I imagine everyone is relieved to see the back of 2020 and we have our fingers crossed for better...
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Eco-chic for plants

17 December 2020

We’re coming to that time of year where thinking about sustainability tends to somewhat go out of the window, what with all the extra wrapping and packaging we often accumulate over the festive season....
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A unique Lemon

12 November 2020

A few weeks ago we met the lovely lady behind Love a Lemon Ceramics at a workshop for local creatives at Croydon Clocktower. As soon as we saw Lemon’s beautiful and quirky bespoke ceramics...
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Heavy hitters on the coffee scene

5 November 2020

We first came across 80 Stone Coffee Roasters when we noticed that the new Matthews Yard were serving coffee from a local roaster. We hadn’t realised there was a coffee roaster nearby so we...
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Gifts to please the planet

29 October 2020

If you can remember what the world looked like in 2019 (that world before face-masks, hand-sanitiser and Zoom-drinks), you’ll remember that the Climate Emergency was very much at the forefront of everyone’s minds. In...
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Hidden qualities and unknown heroes

22 October 2020

In June this year when we met Croydon community arts company SDS we were also introduced to visual artist Tatenda Michael Manyarara who regularly works on commissions for the organisation. We were immediately taken...
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Sharing the Croydon love

15 October 2020

If you’re on Instagram, you may have noticed a new account bursting with creative Croydon content pop up in your feed in the last couple of weeks. Called Croydon Shared, this is an initiative...
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Cicely, David and Henry

17 September 2020

All Croydon locals already know our borough is a rather literary place, with writers abound from history as well as plenty walking our streets today. We’ve talked about various Croydon-linked authors over the years,...
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Carole through the Looking Glass

3 September 2020

This week we discovered a beautiful set of photos by local photographic artist Carole Evans, that she is turning into a photobook via Kickstarter, to document the history of her community during lockdown. Titled...
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To Croydon, with love

20 August 2020

Now we do like a zine at the Croydonist. An independent publication is always a labour of love, and when we saw ‘A Love Letter to Croydon’ by Waddon-based photographer Ameena Rojee we knew...
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